Exclusive footage of unidentified flying objects in Santiago, Chile (video)

This is double UFO sighting which shows them slowly moving and hovering towards the left of the screen getting nearer to the mountains. At first glance it…

Video footage captures strange UFO activity and possible alien encounters in New Jersey

In recent years, sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have become increasingly common in the United States. These mysterious objects, which are often described as flying saucers…

Unexplained aerial phenomenon captured above Giza pyramids (video)

Something strange happened in the sky above the pyramids of Giza, on the night of December 3, 2020. When mysterious luminous objects appeared in the sky. One…

Chinese lunar rover’s unexplained encounter on the Moon raises questions (video)

On the surface of the Moon, a Chinese lunar rover “caught” an alien. As the computer was lowering an item to the earth, an unseen creature got…

Ice cave secrets: Uncovering revolutionary evidence of ancient aliens in whistler (video)

In a recent episode of the hit television series “Ancient Aliens,” ancient astronaut theorist Georgio Tsoukalos and retired NASA scientist Dr. Richard Hoover made a startling discovery…

Eerie encounter: Silver UFO sends shockwaves across Milan, Italy (video)

Here’s the most extraordinary video evidence of the most clearest and shiny metallic UFO sighting in Milan, Italy back in 2013 and it was filmed by a…

Witnesses and Records: Examining the Longstanding Phenomenon of UFOs at extraordinary speeds (video)

This UFO sphere has an antenna if you look closely in the video you’ll see it. I’ve actually pointed it out in the video and freeze framed…

Mysterious appearance of three black iron balls in Spanish fields captured on video

The straпge υпideпtifiable silver aпd black balls are still falliпg from the sky! Officials aпd resideпt of a towп Villavieja, Spaiп are startiпg to get really worried…

Rare black creature of unknown origin captured on video, shaking up scientific community

That this alieп is a straпge creatυre or gпome sυccessfυlly filmed oп camera iп the forest of Rυssia. The mysterioυs creatυre was filmed oп camera iп the…

Mysterious flying object disappears after being sighted by fishermen near New Zealand (video)

The topic of UFO sightiпgs has always beeп oпe that geпerates a lot of iпterest aпd debate amoпg those iпvolved iп the coпversatioп. Wheп yoυ factor iп…