UFO emerging from a cloud: The mysterious incident that baffled airplane passengers (Video)

On April 25, 2014, an unusual incident occurred in the skies above an airplane flying over an unknown location. The incident, which was caught on camera, showed…

Eyewitnesses report bizarre UFO sighting with US military fighter plane (Video)

A pilot in the US military reported a sighting of two strange objects flying in close proximity to his fighter plane. The pilot, whose name has not…

Alien encounters in New Jersey: Eyewitnesses describe bizarre UFO sightings (Video)

In recent years, sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have become increasingly common in the United States. These mysterious objects, which are often described as flying saucers…

Breaking News: Video of UFO on truck goes viral, leaves experts baffled (Video)

The short video has beeп posted to YoυTυbe by paraпormal chaппel Noe Arca υпder the headliпe Real UFO – Ovпi Uпideпtified Flyiпg Object. The video shows a…

Unidentified flying object spotted over New Zealand beach: A close encounter (Video)

A new sighting was actually recently reported over the St. Kilda beach from New Zealand’s South Island as this time Google Maps itself brought forth evidence of…

Metallic Diamond-Shaped UFO Witnessed By Several People Hovering over Medellín, Colombia (Video)

Diamond shape UFO below was filmed over Medellin Colombia. It’s definitely a similar shape UFO. I’ve been looking this up for hour’s and I can’t find anything…

Alien encounter? UFO spotted over Las Vegas sparks excitement and speculation (Video)

The city of Las Vegas is no stranger to incredible sights, but recently, locals and tourists alike were treated to a truly stunning spectacle. An unidentified flying…

Alien encounter? Agents discover unearthly materials at UFO crash site (Video)

The world has always been fascinated by the idea of extraterrestrial life and the possibility of encountering it. While we have not yet found definitive proof of…

Explore the legacy of 270 US Army Avrocars with modern advanced aerospace Technology based on UFO design (Video)

In the 1950s, the US Army embarked on a mission to develop advanced aerial technology that could revolutionize the way we travel and transport goods. One of…

Terrifying moment caught on camera: UFO almost collides with Plane (Video)

In a recent scary event, a passenger plane was almost hit by a UFO. A crew member filming the flight captured this rare sight, causing confusion and…