Metallic Diamond-Shaped UFO Witnessed By Several People Hovering over Medellín, Colombia (Video)

Diamond shape UFO below was filmed over Medellin Colombia. It’s definitely a similar shape UFO.

I’ve been looking this up for hour’s and I can’t find anything else related to this specific UFO sighting.

It looks extremely similar to the Medellin Colombia diamond shape UFO sighting which I have recently wrote about here’s the link.

It’s either that the people who are all passing by in car’s etc didn’t see it or they did see it but couldn’t stop? Some people was able to stop by the side of the road and start trying to film this, the UFO video he ere is a result of these guy’s stopping.

That’s why we have a fantastic video which is very clear, because some actually took the time to stop by and film it. They probably knew how important it would be for people to see it?

The information contained in this video is sparse and it was uploaded to Instagram by Viajantes interplanetary Instagram account. Here’s the video description which I’ve kept the original and I’ve translated it into English.

So, what’s your thoughts on this very clear UFO sighting? It’s probably not going to be up to scratch for a lot of people who won’t be happy until Extraterrestrial life is walking down the road in broad daylight.

There’s actually been a lot of diamond shape UFOs going way back to the Craig Lindsay diamond shape UFO sighting with the aircraft in the same photo that he was able to take. It happened over Scotland UK in the 1960’s and was recently released by Craig. There’s a clear UFO sighting and I’m hoping that people will receive it well because it’s exactly what people have been shouting for. A clear UFO sighting.

But I fear that now there’s a clear UFO video, I fear that people won’t be able to accept it? There’s one thing shouting about and asking for even though they’ve never seen anything like it, then when one comes along, people literally don’t know what to make of it? I hope it’s accepted because it’s awesome.

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