Orange UFOs spotted in Mesa on February 1st, 2023 – What Could They Be? (Video)

On the night of February 1st 2023, residents of Mesa, Arizona were stunned by a mysterious UFO sighting. According to a witness report, the person saw several…

Ancient aliens reveals the secret Time-Traveling powers of Chilean UFO sightings (video)

Many ancient astronaut theorists believe that the abundance of UFO sightings in Chile may be attributed to extraterrestrial activity. The uninhabited regions of the country make it…

Project Green Book: The secretive government program that changed the course of UFO research (video)

In many recorded cases, these are strange lights in the sky or objects that people could not name. One of the most famous events is “Lubbock Lights”…

UFO Sighting Captured on Camera: US Homeland Security Reveals Footage (Video)

What the RC-spy plane was actually looking for? Ironically, this footage was captured by an RC-spy plane that was actually looking for drug smugglers over the region…

Shocking Video Footage Shows UFO Sighting in the Forest of the Blake Brothers

Foreign welcome back to third phase of moon Blake cousins we’ve got the UFO sightings coming in from around the world people are looking up and they’re…

Mind-Blowing video shows massive UFO lurking near the moon, filmed by amateur astronomer

I genuinely cannot find it and as soon as I find it, I’ll post it here. That UFO sighting is real! This is the UFO sighting that…

Close encounter of the unexplained kind: Enormous UFO spotted by airline passengers (video)

A YouTube video titled “UFO Sighting: MASSIVE UFO in the sky ” has been attracting attention from UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike. The video, which was posted…

UFO debris found in Utah desert: Experts struggle to explain phenomenon (video)

Αпy species that aims for the stars will bυrп its fiпgertips. Most likely, maпy times. Α memorable remiпder of oυr spacefariпg mistakes is provided by NΑSΑ’s Αstroпomy…

The strang sighting of a UFO in New York City: Exploring the possibilities (Video)

Recently, there has been a lot of buzz around a sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) over New York City in the US. The sighting was…

The truth behind UFOs: US military admits to using Alien Technology (Video)

It’s not just their own UFO sightings or UFO videos that people are sending me, they’re sending me stuff that can’t be explained or that other people…