Unidentified flying object Spotted: Eyewitness account in Saudi Arabia (video)

Recently, an incredibly curious video went viral all over the globe, minutes after it was posted to YouTube. This video has given way to a flood of opinions in the field of ufology.

It is a mystery recording of a suspected UFO that supposedly landed in Saudi Arabia. The video has a fairly decent quality, and it’s not too distorted or moving.

In the film, you can see very plainly how an unseen flying object lands in the desert. Shortly after arrival, something like a ramp opens up from the UFO, and you can see several silhouettes of unidentified entities moving down from the UFO.

Soon the monsters can easily crawl into the UFO and take flight at an impossible pace for the current technologies on our world.

Bizarre is the fact only one of these creatures is left on Earth. At the end of the film, you will see how this alien continues to investigate the surroundings.

We really don’t know whether this video is a true one or just a joke, but one thing is certain: this video needs our attention and more thorough study.


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