The UFO sightings in Roswell and the UFO truth concealed by the US government (video)

Secret weapons rockets planes and nuclear devices were all being tested around that time in new mexico and nearby nevada decades later alleged witnesses claimed that they’d even seen aliens being whisked away by the military officials said they were parachute test dummies to this day some believe a spaceship did come down at roswell and all of the evidence about foil and paper balloons was faked but the real mystery may be why did the roswell army air force initially fuel speculation.

About disks was it misinformation designed to distract from project mogul did they intend to cause a panic was it a mistake a failed joke or could it just possibly have been the truth and quickly covered up last year president trump was asked about roswell in an interview with his son don jr and he seemed faintly amused and probably more concerned about tourism than extraterrestrials would you ever open up roswell and let us know what’s really going on here so many people ask me that question i mean it sounds almost

Ridiculous but it’s actually the real question sounds like a cute question but it’s actually there are millions and millions of people that want to go there that want to see it i won’t talk to you about what i know about it but it’s very interesting but roswell’s a very interesting place with a lot of people that would like to know what’s going on so we may be about to find out what’s going on and ultimately what the american public chooses to believe you

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