Mysterious fireball UFO crash sparks secret agent investigation (video)

UFO viral stunt is an epic fail, and the eagle eyed will be able to spot why

A crashed UFO is being investigated by secret agents after it came down close to a road – at least that’s what we are led to believe.

In the convincing footage the green lights from the UFO can be seen shooting through the sky, before it looks as though it has come down nearby.

But the viral stunt, showing people in South Africa that a downed UFO had crash landed in their country flopped, when savvy social media users rumbled it as a prank within minutes.

The scam – to promote a new health drink – started with video clips apparently showing strange lights in the sky, and one of them then crashing to earthIn the full advert which reveals the advertising campaign as a joke sees teams wearing bio-hazard suits starting to seal off areas in the southern city of Cape Town.


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