Exclusive footage: Unidentified object appears in the sky above Ecuador, raising questions (video)

Over Ecuador, a curious anomaly was noticed in the sky. If you rotate the video below, you’ll see a peculiar light that isn’t the sun, in case you were wondering. The brightness was accompanied by a massive funnel that extended over the sky.

The video quickly went viral, drawing the attention of numerous experts and ufologists. Most people assumed it was an alien visitation at the time. Others, on the other hand, argue that the photographs depict extremely unusual atmospheric phenomena.

According to ufologists, as time went on, more and more bizarre occurrences like this one began to appear all throughout the planet. Whether it’s because of the widespread use of mobile phones, or something unusual is going on with our planet’s atmosphere, we don’t know.

There are reports that our planet is slowly but steadily reforming itself through a healing process. If this is the case, we must be on the lookout for more instances like this in the near future. Maybe mother nature is punishing us for our technological transgressions?

Check out the video below for additional information, and don’t forget to let us know what you think. VIDEO:

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