Exclusive footage of unidentified flying objects in Santiago Chile stuns experts and enthusiasts alike (Video)




This is double UFO sighting which shows them slowly moving and hovering towards the left of the screen getting nearer to the mountains.

At first glance it looks like these could be lights off in the distance between the city and the mountains. But after watching the full video, it’s abundantly clear that these are hovering in the sky but moving real slow.

They’re definitely not stationary lights on a far off set of car’s driving along a road that we just can’t see. These are moving horizontally across the horizon and moving to the left on the screen. If these where car’s then we’d see them moving vertically in thos specific video because of the camera being situated up high looking out over and across the city to the mountain side. So if it was a road coming to the city, I think we’d be seeing something different.

Towards the end of the video we can see the light’s really beginning to focus and as the lens of camera focuses in on the light’s we can see what I’d say looks like a grouping together of 3 UFO Orbs in one horizontal line and right next to it and above (moving left to right) there’s another grouping together of a second set of UFO Orbs in a horizontal line. They’re very close together as well which is who for a minute there I really thought that we was seeing 2 Cylindrical shaped UFOs.

The light’s on the UFOs, which could actually be the UFOs itself are bright with a yellowish orange glowing colour.the one closest to the right side of the screen and higher up than the other one, that one definitely is traveling a tad bit faster than the other because it’s caught up to or closed the gap between the 2 group’s of UFOs.

Double UFO sighting over Santiago Chile 13th February 2023.

These UFOs look as if they’re just observing, at least it looks like that to me? Does it look like that to you?

If it’s just observing, what’s in that specific area of the world? Where did these UFOs come from and where did they, and where are they now? They do not vanish into thin air…

Or do they because the Joe Rogan podcast show had a guest on there recently and they was both chatting about US Navy pilot’s observing some UAPs just appearing out of nowhere and also doing the opposite, disappearing into thin air.

They was talking (if my memory serves me well) about how pilot’s had reported UAPs just disappearing? And how these UAPs could be using a dimensional doorways and portals etc (again, if I am remembering it correctly? Guy’s, if we take into account craft’s that are of unknown origins then we can’t rule out anything! Each theory has it’s own merit’s and some are better than other’s especially of being right.

I’m never going to rule anything out ever again. I’ll be the most optimistic person who you’ve ever met, lol!

What else are they doing besides hovering and slightly moving to the left and possibly that’s because of the wind? Yet again guy’s we can’t see any obvious trickery with camera footage or Adobe Photoshop etc.

A close up look at the Santiago Chile double UFO sighting yesterday.

Did our space defence fail us?

My reasoning for saying that is because, it got here didn’t it? If we have any satellites in low Earth orbit as a defensive asset then they failed and failed miserably.

There’s something that we’re not seeing here, there’s something else entirelyand likely at play.

What is it that we’re not being told?

Because any and all speculation and rumours can all be stopped if the US Government released the videos which the pilot’s who downed the UFOs was was filming the entire thing. It’s standard protocol to film everything when engaging with anything because it’s how it’s done?

I genuinely get the impression that the US and UK Government’s are okay with these “UAP’s” flying around the world with impunity! They’re never been challenged before, they’ve never intercepted a UFO before (apparently) and even the UAP vehicles was only allowing them to follow the UAPs because they was so fast, if the UAPs in the Flir1 and Gimbal, Go-Fast videos turned to fly the other way, they’d have left the US Navy Jet’s standing.

Here’s the extraordinary video which was uploaded to Instagram by Ovni_Avistamientos:

Fantastic double UFO sighting only just filmed yesterday by obviously excited people in the video. If you know what they are saying please get in touch with me, thank you so much for your help with this.

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